Elite Blog Academy Shop

Start your blog, choose the right niche, and lay the foundation for a successful online business in 9 simple lessons. 



Starting a successful blog isn't quite as easy as setting up your website and hoping for the best.

Maybe you've read every article or signed up for every course imaginable or done all the things you thought you were supposed to do, but nothing you've tried so far has worked. Or maybe you've just been lurking in the shadows, thinking about starting that blog or online business but not quite daring to jump in.

And whether you've been at this for a while or you're just getting started, the reality is that it's really hard to start an online business all by yourself. Maybe you've even gathered all the freebies, but when it comes to taking action, you feel paralyzed and overwhelmed. And with so many different ideas coming your way, it's hard to know exactly who or what to listen to.

But there IS an easier way. It's called Elite Blog Academy®.

And friends—buckle up, because EBA® is BACK!


Previously available only within our ACTIVATE Coaching Program, we are once again offering Elite Blog Academy® Foundation as a stand-alone course. This is your chance to finally get access to the life-changing curriculum that has helped launch more than 15,000 lives so far.

By the end of Elite Blog Academy® Foundation you'll have:

  • Narrowed down to the right niche for faster results. We'll show you how to merge your own passion & interests with a topic that can actually be monetized in order to make you more money faster.
  • Built a beautiful, organized, professional-looking website. Your website is the face of your business, so it has to be good. We’ll help you make it great.
  • Mastered the art of creating content that resonates. We’ll not only help you know exactly what to write about, we'll also give you a clear template for crafting content that people pay attention to.
  • Nailed down your messaging. We'll help you get crystal clear about your target audience, their biggest pain point, and your solution for their pain, which will set up your business for exponential growth.
  • Established a solid brand that stands out. From choosing your name & logo to picking the right colors, fonts, and imagery, we'll show you exactly how to put together a cohesive brand guide that gets noticed.
  • Set up your email service provider in order to start growing your list. We’ll show you how to leverage email to nurture a thriving community of people who know, like, and trust you.
  • Learned how to drive traffic to your website through proven growth strategies. We’ll show you exactly what tactics you'll need to master in order to get more eyes on your page and ensure you don’t waste time on the wrong things.
  • Created an efficient social media strategy. We’ll tell you exactly where your time is best spent so you don’t waste precious energy trying to be everywhere all at once.
  • Crafted a long-term business strategy for sustainable growth. In the end, blogging is a marathon, not a sprint. We’ll show you how to build momentum that keeps you going strong.

But above all, EBA® Foundation will give you the confidence to grow your business quickly, as well as the skills and expertise to keep leveling up.

Have any questions about EBA® Foundation or how it can help you launch the business of your dreams? Reach out to us at support@ruthsoukup.com!